Ph: (07) 5539 8713

18 T E Peters Dr, Broadbeach QLD 4218, Australia

Ph: (07) 5539 8713


We have answered your most common questions below. Please contact our friendly team to answer any other queries you may have!

The Australian Dental Association recommends 6-monthly check-up and clean appointments for most adults. Certain factors can place your oral health at higher risk and in some instances, your dentist may suggest more frequent maintenance appointments to keep you on track.

Early detection and prevention are the cornerstone of our practice at Broadbeach Dental, as most dental issues can be addressed simply if caught early.

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If in doubt, pick up the phone!

Dental problems typically do not resolve themselves and will worsen if left unattended. Some issues such as acute infection, require very prompt attention so at Broadbeach Dental Practice, we endeavour to make same- day emergency appointments available.

Please call our reception team on (07) 55398713 for friendly advice.

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Early dental visits familiarise kids with their dentist, allowing for potential issues to be identified and addressed before they can cause harm.

As a general rule, we encourage you to bring your little ones in around their first birthday. Often they will tag along to a parent or sibling’s appointment and this visit typically involves a ride in the chair on a parent’s lap, a look in the mouth and a discussion about hygiene, diet and other risk factors.

By making dental visits a positive experience early on, you are setting your children on the path to a wonderful smile for life!

Your child may be eligible for free treatment under the Medicare Child Dental Benefit Schedule. Please contact us for more information on (07) 55398713.

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A filling is a method of repairing a broken or decayed tooth by removing damaged tooth structure and filling in the ‘hole’ with a specially engineered dental material. Fillings are typically made of composite resin (tooth coloured) however amalgam (metal) was popular in the past. Fillings are typically simple, cost effective and able to be performed in a single visit in the surgery.

If a tooth has damage that is extensive, a crown is generally recommended as the best option. Unlike a filling which just fills a hole in the tooth, a crown wraps over and around the entire tooth to provide the best strength and protection. Two visits are required- the first to prepare the tooth and take a digital scan or mould, followed by a shorter second visit to fit the crown. Strong porcelain such as zirconia is typically used to make crowns, however other options such as gold can also be used.

At Broadbeach Dental Practice we will take the time to give you a personalised assessment of which option is best for you.

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Missing teeth can be replaced with:

  • Denture: a removable prosthesis that is crafted to clip into the mouth around the missing tooth. Pros: inexpensive and non-invasive. Cons: not fixed, food can get trapped underneath, cosmetic options may be limited.
  • Bridge: a fixed prosthesis that involves crowns on the teeth either side of the gap to support a false tooth suspended in between. Pros: fixed and non-surgical. Cons: involves adjacent teeth to support, more costly than a denture.
  • Implant: a titanium screw which is surgically placed in the site the tooth was lost. A crown is then affixed to this screw. Pros: closest to replacement of a natural tooth, looks, feels and functions like a tooth. Cons: surgery involves, typically most costly option.

At Broadbeach Dental, we will work with you to find the best personalised option for filling our gaps for a beautiful smile!

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The rebate provided for dental services is determined by the insurer, not the dentist. This can vary depending on the fund you are with, the level of cover you have, and how much of your cover you have used already.

We accept all healthfunds and have onsite HICAPS for instant claiming convenience.

Broadbeach Dental Practice has a preferred provider relationship with a number of partner funds including:

  • HCF
  • BUPA
  • NIB
  • Teacher’s Union Health
  • Westfund
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Ample onsite and street parking available and wheelchair access.

Opening Hours

Mon: 8am – 6pm
Tue: 8am – 5pm
Wed: 8am – 6pm

Thurs: 8am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Sat: 8:30am – 1pm